The Lost Boys
Welcome to our blog! We will be writing about our adventures throughout Europe over the next half year (or longer). In case you read our title and thought "Lost Boys, wtf?" The Lost Boys are Peter Pan's followers who do not want to grow up. In order to stop the process of growing up and avoid responsibilities the Lost Boys escaped to Never Never Land. In our case Europe is our Never Never Land, a place to escape from growing up, from getting jobs, from becoming real people and having a shit ton of fun along the way!
Mark is the bobble head of the infamous Mark Bradford, father of the Bradford family. The Bradford family took me in under their wing while I lived in Indiana and so I thought I would take a piece of the along with me on this trip.
So if you find yourself being a grown up with responsibilities and are bored at work or at home, your escape is only a click away!
Thanks for reading!
-Jamie and Michael
Saturday, November 26, 2011
My Grandpa Rietveld's Hometown of Nuenen, Netherlands
Friday, October 28, 2011
70 Liters or Less: Santorini summer and Prologue to Chasing Italy
As most of you know our path has changed quite a bit from when our semester ended. To catch you all up to speed: Michael and I went from a graduation freak out about our future, to prolonging real life by finding work on Santorini for the summer. Santorini is where we met and made some amazing Australian friends and a Kiwi(Will, Elle, Kate, Jess, Justine, Amy), who gave us the T.B. In case you were wondering that does not mean Tuberculosis and it is not a sexually transmitted disease. But it is the highly contagious and contractible Travel Bug. With only Greece, Canada, and England under our travel belts, it wasn’t hard for them to convince us to travel above and beyond. We then set our sights on Southeast Asia, but our aim to be in Australia by December to start our 1 year work visas. With our leaving date set for September 29, the summer whisked by, our friends came and gone, and pretty soon September rolled around. Michael and his new Australian girlfriend and our SE Asian tour guide, Elle, left for Athens to meet his parents/my aunt and uncle for a romp around the Peloponnese and mainland Greece. For the first time in 7 months I was without my counterpart, R2D2, I mean Michael. And for the first time in 7 months I was without a drinking partner and a wingman. (Dramatization) Devastated, I stumble on down to the girls apartment, and begged Amy, one of the last Auzies on the Island to be my new drinking partner and wingwoman. After a few beers she agreed. Together, we set off down the road to Tranquilo, one of our favorite drinking an eating holes in Perissa Beach.
Upon arriving I recognized 2 girls that had walked past the restaurant I worked at earlier that day. They were just arriving to the island and seemed lost when I first met them. Since I am super shy and both very cute and intimidating, I sat down next to them and started talking. They were Italian, sisters, and some of the nicest and interesting ones I had met. We had a great time shooting the shit and at the end of the night, we made plans to hang out the next night. Anyways over the next few days we developed this amazing chemistry: dancing, teasing, talking, hanging out. Carlotta/Charlie, the younger one, who I was especially keen of, besides being a summer romance, we also became really good friends. But all good things must come to an end and just like every other tourist who visits the Island, it was time for her to leave. The goodbyes that we exchanged were tough as I told myself, What did you think would happen? She had to leave. Everyone who comes here leaves. Maybe you will meet again someday, but it is highly unlikely. Little did I know she would put another speed bump in my future traveling plans…
The next 3 weeks of work were tough. I just wasn’t mentally there. I felt like I was in a slump. I had packed up in my mind way to early. Besides an awesome wedding I worked, nothing really happened. I realized there was nothing really left there for me. 10 days before I left, Michael came to me and said dude, you need to leave. I weighed out my options of leaving early, thinking of places I could go and stay. That’s when I got a message from Mike, Elle’s x who I had become a pretty good friend during his long stay in Santorini, saying he was near Bologna, Italy staying with a friend. The plan clicked, I will go hang out with Mike and then with Charlie and meet Michael in Elle back in Amsterdam in a week or so after they too, left Santorini. The ticket was booked in 12 hours time of the decision, luckily I found a direct flight to Bologna for $150, which was the only ticket left for that price. The next price margin was $1,200!
Unfortunately this meant I had to tell everyone of my work friends and the Greeks that wore their way into my heart, an early goodbye. It was sad leaving them. It turned out to be harder than I thought. My last night I shared some teary eyed drinks with everyone who I loved there and wished them good luck in life and I hoped to hell I would see them again.
With my bags packed in my 70 liter Lafuma Backpack I was ready for my own adventures…
(more to come after my 14 day stay in Burma/Mayanmar)

Lots more pics on facebook, best summer yet, these were just some of the highlights.....
Last update for two weeks!
Even though it took us several days of saying "ok we are leaving tomorrow," we finally left paradise. We arrived back in Bangkok this morning around 5 am and were greeted with plentiful flooded streets. Although the area we are staying in is not affected. Until this morning, we had to trek through shin deep water to gt some breakfast!
Running on 2 hours sleep we had a big day today, filed and received our visas for Myanmar and even fit in a movie at the cinema (three musketeers, horrible horrible movie don't waste your time). You should do some research about Myanmar. Although I am a bit concerned, not for our well being or anything, but the adjustment to the completely different culture. The travel itinerary we have at the moment is Yagon, to Bagan, and a 3 day trek through the jungle to Inle Lake. Also, I am pretty sure we will not have any access to internet at this time, so expect to hear back from us around the 15th or so of November!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hello Koh Tao Thailand
There is also i huge rock right out in front of the beach we are staying at (see picture) with a rope attached to the top to climb and go cliff jumping, 1) swim with sharks 2) cliff jump. Like is said give us 72 hours.
Oh ya, we are also going deep sea fishing for 1600 THB = $50 per person, not bad at all!
This place is the capital of diving in Thailand I think we can get certified for 9000 THB = 300 USD. Pretty cool reefs and such from what I hear. The beach we are staying on Tanote Bay, it is secluded beach/bay surrounded by bamboo huts. This is our recover vacation from the other vacation, life is tough. We have a bungalow for 500 THB about $15 a night split 3 ways, not bad at all! We got pretty fried today laying around reading.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Bizarre eat of the day...
Some yummy grasshopper's we bought off a street vendor...
...tasted about as good as they look