Sorry it has been so long since I have finished this blog post. I have been super busy and our internet has been sucking... well you know whats. Anyways I have to finish the story that I started earlier in Pt. 1, but I can't actually finish it, sorry.
So the night I got ignored by the Greek goddess from the beauty salon and heard the bad news about Greek women, I decided to take up the challenge. Later that night, after a bottle of wine, we went to the local hookah bar to hang out and watch the soccer game. I was feeling pretty good, and for once since my break-up, I was feeling super outgoing. We were about to sit down when I noticed 2 cute girls sitting by themselves. I immediately hurdled the chair, or so I'm told, and hopped into the seat next to them. From then on the conversation started to fly. We got to a point where we were talking about Greek men and women, so I had to ask the same question that I asked the store clerk, "Are Greek women stuck up, do they not like American guys?" They responded back, "Yes, Greek women are kind of stuck up, but we are from Cyprus, and no one really likes American guys." Again my heart sank, I think they noticed the looks on our faces. We told them we were American. They exchanged glances and we asked them why this was so bad. The response was what we expected.
But then, one of the girls added, "Maybe you should just say you are Australian." It was like an epiphany! The clouds opened and the sun shone through! Of course! Greeks don't really know the difference between English dialects. Michael at this moment grinned and said, "Put another shrimp on the barbie!" which was met with very confused looks. To put the icing on the cake I said, "The dingo ate your baby." Apparently those jokes haven't made it to Greece yet.
Sometime later we were talking about how old we were, not knowing their ages. Judging from their looks we thought they were young so Michael told him he was 22. Again both girls exchanged looks, "Ha you are so young, we are 24," they said. I had to try to recover the fumble by mentioning I was 24 also. Then, Lana, one of the girls, said, "You probably just tell people you are 22 just so you can pick up girls." She wasn't all the way incorrect...
So thinking I was smooth as butter and cool as a cucumber I asked what the girls were doing later. Niki, the other girl, said she was going out, and even though I was feeling defeated, she invited us out. Michael and I looked at each other, shrugged, "When in Athens right?!"
After a short walk to Gazi, we stopped out in front of this seedy place. That's when I started to notice the amount of dudes that were going into the place. Niki looked at me and told me it was a gay bar. I was like great she thinks Mike and I are super gay together. It was a 10 dollar cover and I was not about to go in. For the 2nd time, I thought this night had come to an end, and with my tail between my legs, I would head home. I looked at Michael, he told me to go in, gave me his 10 bucks, mentioned something about saving his own ass(literally), and booked it home. One gay bar entrance was apparently enough for him. I started to weigh my options at this moment. Go home and sleep, making tonight's game worth nothing? Or suck it up, not literally, and go for it. I decided that I would go in, only if she would take me out to coffee. Needless to say, the night was pretty fun. She ended up being a really sweet girl! We exchanged numbers at the end of the night, I got attacked by dogs on the way home, but all in all a good night. I sent her a text the next morning and waited for her response...
Yes there is a Part 3, sorry.