I am a godless man, hiding in a land full of many gods. Whom shall I ask for guidance? Dionysus, god of wine and pleasure? Athena, goddess of war and pride? Zeus, king and ruler of all? Or shall I remain in hiding? I think for now I will remain in the old country, among the shadows of the cedars and the lime. I'll run with the centaurs and swim with the nymphs. For with out a god, man is nothing but a beast.
Hello all! Haven't gotten around to posting or taking pictures yet, this internet really sucks you know what here. Anyways, Greece has been fun. I am finally getting used to these winding roads and road names. Went to the open market yesterday... awesome. I wish every city had one. Word to the wise, do not go into the meat market on an empty stomach. Even after all the deer I've shot and gutted, it still got to me.
If y'all decide to come and visit there are a few things you should know before you come here:
-Athens is dirty
-Wine is cheap
-Don't flush the t.p., throw it in the trash
-Traffic does not stop for pedestrians
-Cheap Gyros
-Beware of the gypsies(they will take you for all that your worth, say this, repeat after me "Ochi, sichnome!" meaning "No, sorry!")
-They talk... a lot(over explaining things and eating time while talking is what they do best, remind you of anyone???)
Know these and you should be fine!
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