
The Lost Boys
Welcome to our blog! We will be writing about our adventures throughout Europe over the next half year (or longer). In case you read our title and thought "Lost Boys, wtf?" The Lost Boys are Peter Pan's followers who do not want to grow up. In order to stop the process of growing up and avoid responsibilities the Lost Boys escaped to Never Never Land. In our case Europe is our Never Never Land, a place to escape from growing up, from getting jobs, from becoming real people and having a shit ton of fun along the way!

Mark is the bobble head of the infamous Mark Bradford, father of the Bradford family. The Bradford family took me in under their wing while I lived in Indiana and so I thought I would take a piece of the along with me on this trip.

So if you find yourself being a grown up with responsibilities and are bored at work or at home, your escape is only a click away!

Thanks for reading!

-Jamie and Michael

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Faithful Followers

Sorry about the lack of blog posts lately, I know we are failing you in steeping your boredom at work.  Many of you probably checking several times a day (don't worry I won't name names).  This weekend we are headed on our first excursion with the school to four different sites throughout Greece.  Hope all of you have safe travels if headed on Spring Break 11, and others have a great weekend!  We will have new material for you on Monday.

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