
The Lost Boys
Welcome to our blog! We will be writing about our adventures throughout Europe over the next half year (or longer). In case you read our title and thought "Lost Boys, wtf?" The Lost Boys are Peter Pan's followers who do not want to grow up. In order to stop the process of growing up and avoid responsibilities the Lost Boys escaped to Never Never Land. In our case Europe is our Never Never Land, a place to escape from growing up, from getting jobs, from becoming real people and having a shit ton of fun along the way!

Mark is the bobble head of the infamous Mark Bradford, father of the Bradford family. The Bradford family took me in under their wing while I lived in Indiana and so I thought I would take a piece of the along with me on this trip.

So if you find yourself being a grown up with responsibilities and are bored at work or at home, your escape is only a click away!

Thanks for reading!

-Jamie and Michael

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Every last bit

After living in Athens for over 3 weeks now we have been amazed at how much money we have spent so far, which leaves us wondering where it all goes?!  Well the quick answer has been food.  For those of us who are so lucky enough to know us we absolutely love food and everything about it.  The whole experience over here with food has been really eye opening, from buying it, to preparing it, to cooking it, to eating it.  The first week or so we indulged ourselves in the easy access cafes around the Plaka district until we found the market, which for food junkies like ourselves is like what rehab and court is to Lindsay Lohan or Parks is to jail, we just can't stay away! 
I digress...
So realizing how much money we were going through so quickly, we decided to start making a menu for the week in an attempt to save money.  So after our chicken burritos we were left with a mangled chicken carcass of bones, innards, and chicken neck!  We decided to go back to the market buy a bunch of veggies and make chicken soup.  Chicken soup seemed like a sensible idea because A. it is so cold here right now (50* at night) and B. we could make a huge batch that would last us through the week.  Since there is no possible way to buy chicken bullion or chicken stock, we made our own stock out of our leftover cock we bought earlier in the week.  When we buy things from now on we try our hardest to use every aspect of it and not let it go to waste.  Here is a guide to how we used all of our cock...

Look at all those yummy chicken parts getting ready.
Mixing and matching the bags of spices we bought for €1 outside the market.

 Sounds so easy right?!  We really can't buy anything that is premixed or put together, they just don't have it!  But there really is nothing better than chicken soup to warm you up on a chilly night!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job being resourceful! When making the chicken stock the bones are the most important part because they add the minerals to the soup. Make sure to slow cook (simmer the stock for about 3 hours (just finished with my own tonight).
